About using Kindle Fire with MediaHint:
- The Amazon AppStore requires a US credit card even to get FREE apps. A credit card with US billing address should be added to your Amazon account and should be set as default “1-click” payment method.
- Using the browser “Amazon Silk” will not work with MediaHint because Silk sends all traffic directly to Amazon servers. Please use any other browser on your device.
To enable MediaHint on Kindle Fire HD (2nd Generation):
Step 1: Select Wireless
Step 2: Click on your Wireless network name
Step 3: Write down your IP address, then press Cancel
Step 4: Press and hold your finger on your Wireless network name until a pop-up of options appears
Step 5: On the pop up, select Advanced Settings
Step 6: Choose Use Static IP
Step 7: Under IP address, input the IP you wrote down in step 3
Step 8: Under router, input the IP address from step 3, however change the last number to 1. As an example: If your IP was now input
Step 9: Input in subnet mask
Step 10: Set DNS 1 to
Step 11: Set DNS 2 to
Step 12: Select Next
Step 13: Restart your Kindle Fire
To enable MediaHint on Kindle Fire (1st Generation):
Step 1: From the Home screen, click the small gear wheel in the upper right corner
Step 2: Choose More > Wireless Network
Step 3: Select Advanced Settings
Step 4: Select Use Static IP
Step 5: Select DNS 1 and set it to
Step 6: Select DNS 2 and set it to
Step 7: Return to the Home screen
Step 8: Restart your Kindle
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