IMPORTANT – This video will be updated soon
To use this DNS method it’s no longer needed to ‘enable’ your IP manually in the Mediahint Account page, you can still follow this video instructions for setting up the Mediahint DNS servers in your device.
To enable MediaHint on Apple TV:
Step 1: Open Settings > General > Network
Step 2: Select Wi-Fi for wireless network or Ethernet if you are using a wired connection. If you have not already set up a Wi-Fi connection you will have to choose your network and input your password for the Wi-Fi again if needed.
Step 3: Select Configure DNS and select Manual
Step 4: Enter the primary MediaHint DNS and click done:
(Alternate DNS:
Step 5: On the Network screen, verify that the DNS numbers you have just entered are present
Step 6: To make sure the US Apps are present on your Apple TV, go to Settings > General > iTunes Store > Location > select United States
Step 7: Open settings and select Sleep Now
Step 8: Unplug the Apple TV power cord
Step 9: Wait 10 seconds
Step 10: Plug the cable back in to your Apple TV
Step 11: Turn your Apple TV back on