To enable MediaHint on Google TV:
Note: each manufacturer has a different implementation of Google TV. The instructions below should be considered a starting point. For exact details on how to change DNS settings on your device, please consult the manual included with the device.
Step 1: Choose Settings > Network
Step 2: Select Ethernet or Wireless depending on your connection to the internet
Step 3: For Wi-Fi, click and hold down on your Wi-Fi network until you get a popup. Select Modify Network
Step 4: Set IP settings to static
Step 5: If the IP address, Gateway (Router’s IP address) and Network prefix length fields are blank or show a caution symbol, you may need to obtain this info from your computer’s network connection status or from your router.
Step 6: Scroll down to DNS settings and input:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Step 7: Click Save
Step 8: Restart TV
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